I am Masrul Purba Dasuha, S.Pd an observer of Batak culture derived from Pamatang Bandar Simalungun regency of North Sumatra. Batak is my identity, Simalungun is my pride predicate. Never refuse to tribes because it is an identity that could never you avoid as long as your soul is conceived body. Be a useful man for himself, family, tribe, nation, and country.

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Friday, March 28, 2014

1. Ambarita
2. Aritonang
3. Aruan
4. Banjarnahor
5. Bakkara
6. Butarbutar
7. Debataraja
8. Dolok Saribu
9. Dongoran
10. Gultom
11. Gurning
12. Harianja
13. Hutabarat
14. Hutagaol
15. Hutahaean
16. Hutajulu
17. Hutasoit
18. Hutapea
19. Hutauruk
20. Hutagalung
21. Limbong
22. Lubis
23. Lumban Batu
24. Lumban Gaol
25. Lumban Nahor
26. Lumban Pea
27. Lumban Raja
28. Lumban Siantar
29. Lumban Tobing
30. Lumban Toruan
31. Lumban Tungkup
32. Malau
33. Manalu
34. Manik
35. Manullang
36. Manurung
37. Marbun
38. Marpaung
39. Munthe
40. Manihuruk
41. Nababan
42. Nadapdap
43. Nadeak
44. Naibaho
45. Naiborhu
46. Nainggolan
47. Naipospos
48. Napitupulu
49. Napitu
50. Pakpahan
51. Pandiangan
52. Pangaribuan
53. Panggabean
54. Panjaitan
55. Parapat
56. Pardede
57. Pardosi
58. Pasaribu
59. Purba
60. Rajagukguk
61. Ruma Horbo
62. Ruma Pea
63. Ruma Singap
64. Ruma Sondi
65. Sagala
66. Saing
67. Samosir
68. Saragi
69. Sarumpaet
70. Siadari
71. Siagian
72. Siahaan
73. Siallagan
74. Sianipar
75. Sianturi
76. Sibagariang
77. Sibangebange
78. Sibarani
79. Siboro
80. Siburian
81. Sibuea
82. Sidabalok
83. Sidabutar
84. Sidabungke
85. Sidauruk
86. Sigalingging
87. Sihaloho
88. Sihite
89. Sihombing
90. Sihotang
91. Sijabat
92. Silaban
93. Silaen
94. Silalahi
95. Silitonga
96. Simalango
97. Simamora
98. Simangunsong
99. Simanjorang
100. Simanjuntak
101. Simanungkalit
102. Simaremare
103. Simarmata
104. Simatupang
105. Simbolon
106. Simorangkir
107. Sinabariba
108. Sinaga
109. Sinambela
110. Sinurat
111. Sipahutar
112. Sipayung
113. Sirait
114. Siregar
115. Siringoringo
116. Sitanggang
117. Sitindaon
118. Sitinjak
119. Sitohang
120. Sitompul
121. Sitorus
122. Situmeang
123. Situmorang
124. Situngkir
125. Sormin
126. Silitonga
127. Tamba
128. Tambunan
129. Tampubolon
130. Tarihoran
131. Togatorop
132. Turnip

1. Lubis
2. Nasution
3. Pulungan
4. Batubara
5. Matondang
6. Daulae
7. Rangkuti
8. Parinduri
9. Lintang

1. Harahap
2. Hasibuan
3. Siregar
4. Pohan
5. Rambe
6. Dalimunthe
7. Dasopang
8. Baumi
9. Ritonga
10. Pane
11. Tanjung
12. Mardia
13. Hutasuhut
14. Babiat
15. Dabuar
5:51 AM   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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Oleh: Masrul Purba Dasuha, S.Pd

A. Damanik
1. Nagur
2. Usang
3. Bayu
4. Sola
5. Sarasan
6. Rampogos
7. Rih
8. Hajangan
9. Simaringga
10. Malayu
11. Bariba
12. Malau
13. Sagala
14. Ambarita
15. Tomog
16. Gurning
17. Raja
B. Purba
1. Tambak
2. Sidasuha
3. Sidagambir
4. Sidadolog
5. Sigumonrong
6. Silangit
7. Tua
8. Tanjung
9. Tondang
10. Tambun Saribu
11. Pakpak
12. Siboro
13. Girsang
14. Sihala
15. Manorsa

C. Saragih
1. Sumbayak
2. Garingging
3. Sidasalak
4. Sidamuntei
5. Sidajawak
6. Sidapulou
7. Sidabuhit
8. Sidabahou
9. Sitanggang
10. Siallagan
11. Simarmata
12. Sidauruk
13. Simanihuruk
14. Sijabat
15. Sidabutar
16. Sidabalok
17. Sidabungkei
18. Sinapitu
19. Sitio
20. Simbolon
21. Turnip
22. Tamba
23. Ruma Horbou
24. Munte

D. Sinaga
1. Sidadihoyong
2. Porti
3. Sidallogan
4. Sidahapintu
5. Sidagurgur
6. Sidaharo
7. Simaibang
8. Simandalahi
9. Simanjorang
10. Sidasuhut
11. Sidabariba
12. Tambun
13. Bonor
14. Uruk
15. Ompu Ratus
16. Sipayung
17. Sitopu
18. Lingga

1. Anak Ampun
2. Angkat
3. Bako
4. Bancin
5. Banurea
6. Berampu
7. Berasa
8. Berutu
9. Beringin
10. Bintang
11. Boang Manalu
12. Buluara
13. Capah
14. Cehun
15. Cibero
16. Gajah
17. Gajah Manik
18. Kabeaken
19. Kaloko
20. Kembang
21. Kesogihen
22. Kombih
23. Kudadiri
24. Lembeng
25. Lingga
26. Maha
27. Maharaja
28. Maibang
29. Manik
30. Manik Pergettenggetteng, Sengkut
31. Matanari
32. Mekah
33. Melayu
34. Menjerang
35. Mungkur
36. Munthe
37. Padang
38. Padang Batang Hari
39. Pardosi
40. Pasi
41. Pinarik
42. Pinayungen
43. Sagala
44. Saing
45. Sambo
46. Saraan
47. Sidabutar
48. Siketang
49. Sinamo
50. Sirumasondi
51. Sitakar
52. Sitongkir
53. Solin
54. Tendang
55. Tinambunen
56. Tinendung
57. Tumangger
58. Turuten
59. Ujung

A. Karokaro
1. Sekali
2. Kemit
3. Samura
4. Sitepu
5. Sinulingga
6. Sinuraya
7. Sinuhaji
8. Sinukaban
9. Surbakti
10. Kacaribu
11. Barus
12. Kaban
13. Sinubulan.
14. Ujung
15. Purba
16. Ketaren
17. Manik
18. Guru Singa.
19. Torong
20. Paroka
21. Bukit

B. Sembiring
1. Milala
2. Tekang
3. Pelawi
4. Depari
5. Busuk
6. Bunuh Aji
7. Muham
8. Pandebayang
9. Berahmana
10. Pandia
11. Colia
12. Guru Kinayan
13. Sinukapur
14. Keling
15. Sinulaki
16. Sinupayung
17. Keloko
18. Kembaren
19. Maha

C. Ginting
1. Suka
2. Sugihen
3. Jadibata
4. Garamata
5. Guru Patih
6. Bukit
7. Beras
8. Ajar Tambun
9. Babo
10. Pase
11. Manik
12. Munthe
13. Tampune
14. Jawak
15. Seragih
16. Tumangger
17. Capah
18. Sinusinga

D. Peranginangin
1. Sukatendel
2. Kuta Buluh
3. Jinabun
4. Jambur Beringen
5. Bangun
6. Keliat
7. Beliter
8. Pencawan
9. Namohaji.
10. Limbeng
11. Sinurat
12. Sebayang
13. Pinem
14. Benjerang
15. Kacinambun
16. Singarimbun
17. Laksa
18. Mano
19. Penggarun
20. Perasih
21. Jab
22. Uwir
23. Tanjung
24. Ulunjandi
25. Perbesi

E. Tarigan
1. Tambak
2. Tua
3. Silangit
4. Tendang
5. Tambun
6. Gerneng
7. Purba
8. Sibero
9. Gersang
10. Tegur
11. Cingkes
12. Sahing
13. Pekan
14. Ganagana
15. Bondong
16. Jampang
17. Kerendam

1. Bangko
2. Deski
3. Keling
4. Kepale Dese
5. Keruas
6. Pagan
7. Selian
8. Acih
9. Beruh
10. Gale
11. Kekaro
12. Mahe
13. Menalu
14. Mencawan
15. Munthe
16. Pase
17. Pelis
18. Pinim
19. Ramin
20. Ramud
21. Sambo
22. Sekedang
23. Sugihen
24. Sepayung
25. Sebayang
26. Terigan

1. Tebe
2. Ceberou
3. Melala
4. Munthe
5. Linge
5:50 AM   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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Thursday, March 27, 2014

By : Purba Masrul Dasuha, S.Pd

Prior to recognize text, Simalungun language can only be expressed in the form of oral, people began to recognize the handwriting is Simalungun since the advent of the influence of the Indian nation. Simalungun characters (surat sappuluh siah) that we know today, and many are written in pustaha-pustaha Simalungun no other is the contribution of the Pallava script of India. According to experts, the Pallava script into the land of the Batak through Mandailing area, near the border of West Sumatra, where he later developed and spread into the area between Parapat and Balige, from there it spread to Simalungun and Toba. Subsequent spread over many directions coming from Simelungun, which then spread to the Toba, Karo, Pakpak and ago from Toba to Pakpak, and then from Pakpak extends again to Karo (Van der Tuuk, Parkin, and Kozok). As with any other Batak script, script Simalungun divided into two forms, namely the indungni surat (letters mother) and anakni surat (letter son/diacritics).

Figure 1: The Comparison of Batak Letters

In the Simalungun language there are a number of phonemes that are rarely found in other Batak language. Phonemes that there is some form of consonants and diphthongs shaped. Phonemes that are /ou/, /ei/, and /ui/, /h/, /d/, /g/, and /b/, and all located at the end of the word. In addition Simalungun language, the phoneme /ou/, /ei/, and /ui/ is also often found in the Malay languages​​, Karo, Alas in Southeast Aceh and South Aceh Keluet. Phoneme /ou/, /ei/, and /ui/, this language is called the anakni surat or diacritics, which recognize only diacritical specifically for these phonemes, each named hatulungan, hatalingan, and hatuluyan. Diphthongs /ou/ are also present in Karo script, but not the other Batak scripts. However, in Karo, there is no special diacritic for phoneme /ou/, and its use is only limited to the Karo language Ginger-ginger accent living in Deli Serdang and Langkat, do not spread to other Karo dialect that is settled in the center of the Karo area, such Kabanjahe and Gugung dialect. Alas language and Keluet who no longer have the original script as in Batak land and has been replaced with Arabic script Jawi or Malay, so it is difficult to explain the existence of the diphthongs. However, the actual language Keluet and is a manifestation of language combinations Pakpak, Karo, Simalungun, Aceh, and Malay. So if traced the shape of the original characters that became extinct probably not much different from the script of Simalungun and Karo.

In Simalungun language, the diphthongs /ou/ can be seen in the word horbou, pisou, magou, kahou, sopou, lahou, lopou, babou, and dilou. Then the diphthongs /ei/ in the word lobei, hitei, bogei, dogei, atei, and buei. Furthermore, the diphthongs /ui/ contained in said tondui, langui, apui, sungui, babui, ampodui, surui, and haluhui. Furthermore, the language Alas, that is the word endou, enggou, idou, benei, melohei, awei, kelukui, tendui, and apui. In Keluet who only knows the language diphthongs /ou/ and /ei/, that is the word kou, kerbou, tangkou, benei, kunei, awei, atei, and mbuei. Karo is in the language, which is the word dilou, belou, sapou, rimou, ayou, namou, payou, matei, berei, isei, keina, benei, and lumei. When viewed equivalent to another language Batak (Toba, Mandailing-Angkola, Pakpak), 
diphthongs /ou/ unusual sounds /o/ as in the following words horbo, piso, mago, sopo, laho, babo, tangko, and dilo; /ei/ sounds /e/ as said lebe, hite, bege, dege, ate, and mbue, and /ui/ sounds /i/ as said tondi, tondi, langi, api, babi, suri, and halihi.

Figure 2: Simalungun Letters (Surat Sappuluh Siah)

Besides Simelungun language also know the final phoneme /h/ as in the word daroh, babah, spirit, dilah, soh, and gogoh; phonemes in a language is not specifically Simalungun langauge, because the final phoneme is also found in languages ​​Pakpak, Karo, Alas, and Keluet but not for Toba language, Mandailing, and they do not know the slightest Angkola will use these phonemes, those words will sound daroh -- daro, babah  --baba, roh -- ro, dilah -- dila and gogoh become gogo. When explored further phoneme /ou/, /ei/, /ui/, and /h/ phoneme is a direct legacy of the ancient Austronesian language which has been long extinct. As we know this ancient Austronesian language is the mother language that lowers the entire language in most of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.

Voorhoeve (1955) had argued that language cover Simalungun also recognize phonemes /d/, /g/, and /b/, which also does not exist in the vocabulary of the Batak language to another. Phoneme cover still looks once in a few words, either spoken or written . Phoneme /d/ found in the word bod, saud, tuod, agad, sogod, bagod, sarad, and alud. Moderate final phoneme /g/ in the word dolog, pusog, balog, gijig, ubag, lanog, gilog, borgog, bolag, bogbog, pag, and ulog. Then the final phoneme /b/ in the word dob, rongkob, dorab, tayub, and sab. In Pakpak language and Karo /d/ changed to /n/, and /g/ be /ng/, like the word bod into bon/ben, saud be sahun, tuod be tiwen, sogod became cegen, sarad into saran, and alud be alun. Then word dolog be deleng, pusog be puseng, balog be baleng, lanog be laneng, borgog be bergeng, bolag be belang, and pag became pang. Moderate phoneme /b/ is undetermined shape changes.

Figure 3: Anakni Surat Simalungun Letters/Diacritic

And this form according to Voorhoeve closer to Sanskrit languages ​​influenced the archipelago. While in other languages ​​Batak (Toba, Mandailing, Angkola) phoneme /d/ sounds /t/, as shown in the following words bod -- bot, saud -- saut, tuod -- tot, agad -- agat, sogod -- sogot, bagod -- bagot, sarad -- sarat, and alud -- arut, /g/ sounds /k/ as dolog -- dolok, balog -- balok, lanog -- lanok, bolag -- bolak, and ulog -- ulok; being phonemes b is undetermined shape changes.

Gorys Keraf in his Historical Comparative Linguistics argued, that the phoneme /d/, /g/, and /b/ are phonemes that are considered problematic in several languages​​, not only in the language of the archipelago, but also in European languages​​. Since the phoneme /d/, /g/, and /b/ is descriptively usually undergo a process of neutralization when in late position, and replaced by the phoneme /t/, /k/, and /p/. When in fact the phoneme can appear in early position, middle, and end. That's the problem, because many languages ​​are no longer showing symptoms. The question arises, then why is language Simalungun language still showing symptoms?

In the language Simalungun there are quite a lot of words that are not product Simalungun. The words were generally adopted from Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, and Tamil. Uptake from the Sanskrit word only used very much at all, as in calling the names of gods with mamis, bisnu, sori, hala, and borma which is a change in the shape of the word shiwa, whisnu, sri, kala, and brahma. In calling zodiac with mesa, morsoba, mituna, harahata, singa, hania, tula, mortiha, dahanu, mahara, humba, and mena; in Sanskrit called by mesa, vrisabha, mithuna, karkata, singha, kanye, tule, vrstika, dhanu, makara, kumbha, and mina. Then to mention the names of the days like adintia, suma, anggara, mudaha, boraspati, sihora, and samisara which in Sanskrit reads aditya, soma, anggara, budha, brihaspati, syukra, and syanaiscara. Furthermore to mention the names of the wind (Simalungun: deisa na waluh) as purba, pastima, otara, daksina, agoni, nariti, manabia, and irisanna which is a change of word form purva, pastjima, utthara, daksina, agni, nairti, wajawia, and aisana.

Not only is it for the words that are common, Sanskrit also absorbed too much and then being to be Simalungun langauge like the word "boniaga" is derived from the word "vanijya", "naibata" of the word "devata", "purba" of the word "purva", "porsaya" of the word "pratyaya", "dousa" of the word "dosha", "bangsa" of the word "wamsa", "susian" of the word "sisya", "horja" of the word "karya", "arga" of the word "argha", "halani" of the word "karana", "rupa" of the word "rupa", "ugama" of the word "agama", "nagori" of the word "nagari", "basa" of the word "waca", "balei" of the word "walaya", "banua" of the word "wanua", "barita" of the word "wrtta", "nanggurdaha" of the word "garuda", "gajah" of the word "gaja", "husapi" of word "kacchapi", "huta" of the word "kuta", and many others. Subsequently uptake of Arabic as the word "pingkir" absorbed from the word "fikr", "adat" from the word "adat", "dunia" of the word "dunya", "uhum" of the word "hukm", "sibolis" of the word "iblis", and others. Then uptake of Persian language as the word "saluar" is derived from the word "shalwar", "sarunei" is derived from the word "surnai", "pinggan" is derived from the word "pinggan". And the final absorption of the Tamil language as the word "bodil" absorbed from the word "badil", "sohei" from the Tamil word "cukkai", "mandihei" from the Tamil word "komattikai", and others. We have not been able to determine exactly how the word absorption process occurs , whether it is directly absorbed from the Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, and Tamil or through any other language which it never entered and direct contact with the foreign language

Although looks much difference with the other Batak language, but the existence of Simalungun language not regardless of the language around him. Simalungun language can not pull away when it is said to have great similarities with the Toba language, Mandailing, and Angkola as South clumps language. And there is no denying if Simalungun language has much in common with the Pakpak, Karo, Alas, and Keluet language as North clumps language. Geoff Wollams in research on Karo language found that of the 207 basic vocabulary which he compared between Karo and Simalungun language turns out there are similarities in both languages ​​by 80 %. Why it happens? Simalungun language seen in position standing between the two clusters (Voorhoeve: 1955). But according to Adelaar (981), however Simalungun language is actually one branch of cognates south who parted with the Toba, Mandailing, and Angkola language before three languages was created. Form Adelaar elaboration, it means Simalungun language existed before the other southern cognates are formed which later separated. This is in accordance with Kozok (1999:14) who asserts that if judging from the distribution of the Batak language and scipt, language and script of Simalungun much older than langauge and script of Toba, Pakpak, and Karo.
6:41 AM   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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By : Purba Masrul Dasuha , S.Pd

Simalungun language is a speech medium of the community inhabiting some areas in North Sumatra covering Simalungun regency and Siantar City as the base region, Serdang Bedagai regency and Tebing Tinggi City, and Deli Serdang and Lubuk Pakam, part of Asahan and Batubara. Simalungun language as a mother tongue has an important role in defining the personality of the Simalungun or manifests all things related to Simalungun both abstract and concrete. Dr. Petrus Voorhoeve (1955) in his elaborating of the Batak language states that Batak language is divided into two clumps, namely the northern clump (Pakpak, Karo, and Alas) and south (Toba, Mandailing, and Angkola). Of the two clumps, Simalungun language is not included in one of them, but he obviously Voorhoeve, standing in between the two clumps, north and south. 

On advanced research conducted by Adelaar (1981), he expressed that Simalungun language actually came from southern clumps, which then split off (no known cause) before the Toba, Mandailing, and Angkola language formed. From this description the authors conclude that Simalungun language is older than the age of three languages​​, proved Simalungun language had existed before other Batak languages are formed. Accordingly, Uli Kozok (1999:14 ) states if judging from the distribution of the Batak language and literacy, language and script Simalungun thinks much older than the language and script Batak others. In the development of language Simalungun continue to experience dynamic life in line with the dynamics of the community through Simalungun. Diverse phenomena of life and cultural upheaval prolonged ranging from social conflict, population movement (migration), marriage, and the process of assimilation resulted in a shift by shift occurs gradually without any element of intent. Social conflict in Simalungun in ancient times is not a certainty, in the fact history has proven the Raya kingdom during Tuan Rondahaim Saragih Garingging through aid of Partahi from Sidamanik had been fighting Sidamanik kingdom until burning the bodies of Tuan Itok (Tuan Na Hu Langit) and killed a number of other relatives. A penyumpit (pangultop) of Pakpakland with ingenuity managed to seize the throne from the hands of Tuan Simalobong Dasuha. Brothers dissension shown by Raja Rubun to his brother Tuan Suha Bolag, also disputes between the Purba Sidadolog with his brother Purba Sidagambir.

Factors triggering social conflict in Simalungun society generally assumed by the injustice, imbalance, jealousy, and discrimination, it was already entrenched and embedded in the joints of their lives since centuries with diverse roles and behaviors that they played. In addition to social conflict, migration and the massive exodus of formerly had also occurred, it caused outbreaks of Sampar (a type of cholera) in their midst who was then regarded as a disease that is very frightening and difficult to heal. As a solution they then decided to flee to other regions, there is nothing left for the island of Samosir, Humbang, Silindung, and to Toba. Another group some are migrated to the highland of Karo, Deli Serdang, Padang, Bedagai, Asahan, and Batubara to get to the coastal Melaka strait. When they arrived at the colony and mingle with the local community, absorption and mix of cultures is inevitable until regeneration. When epidemic diseases ends, some people of Simalungun returned to their homeland, but not a few who remain on the ground overseas. As a result of this exodus, many changes in the order of life of Simalungun people ranging from lifestyle, customs practices, clan identity, language usage, and ideology.

Moving on from the above phenomenon is shaped trigger the birth of regional variations in language dialect Simalungun. The variety of dialects is that dialect Sin Raya, Sin Dolog, Sin Panei, Sin Purba, and Sin Bandar. Sin Raya dialect is spoken by the people who live in the district of Raya and Raya Kahean, Sin Dolog dialect is spoken in the district of Purba, Dolog Silou, and Bangun Purba. While dialect Sin Panei is spoken in the district of Panei, Panombeian Panei, and Siantar. Then, Sin Purba dialect is spoken in the district Purba, Haranggaol Horisan, Silimakuta, and Pamatang Silimakuta. At last, Sin Bandar dialect is spoken by people in the district of Bandar, Pamatang Bandar, Bandar Huluan, and Bandar Masilam and extends to the district Gunung Malela and Gunung Maligas both of which used to be Partuanon of Siantar landscape, Dolog Batu Nanggar (district of Panei), and Bosar Maligas (district of Tanoh Jawa). As mentioned in previous posts (Sauhur, Edition I-II in 2007), from the dialect who finished as the benchmark and reference standards of Simalungun language is dialect Sin Raya, why? Because the Kingdom is recognized as a dialect of Simalungun language that hindered form the influence of around language like Karo, Toba, Mandailing, Angkola, Malay, and Javanese.

Sin Bandar Dialect
As the above description, the center of the Sin Bandar dialect speakers who inhabit the topographic lied in low-lying areas (hataran) and downstream (kaheian/jahei), with the social life of the people who often come into contact with the Malay community in the border Simalungun-Asahan. Communication between them has been going on for hundreds of years, so it does not close the possibility of transformation of culture and ideology, as well as in the district of Bandar Masilam, most of Simalungun people speak Malay. The phenomenon does not indicate a gap with another Simalungun community, especially those who live in the upper part (huluan), the fact history proves Bandar is a former royal kingdom parallel position with another Simalungun kingdom like Dolog Silou, Panei, Tanoh Java, Siantar, Purba, Silimakuta, and Raya. In order custom wedding, Bandar kingdom is a "Anak Boru" of the Raya kingdom, as it is entitled to assume that organizational position as king in the kingdom of Bandar must be born form Puang Bolon Boru Saragih Garingging of Raya kingdom.

If you do a comparison with various existing Simalungun dialect, Sin Bandar dialect seems much closer resemblance to Sin Raya dialect both in terms of accent, intonation (melody) and vocabulary. Vocabulary of comparison between the two is clearly visible similarities and dissimilarities. However, when attached in detail throughout the second dialect vocabulary, percentage of similarity produced more prominent than the dissimilarities. The use of vocabulary is spread at some point region, while as the user base of these dialects are those who live in the district Pamatang Bandar, the former capital of the kingdom of Bandar. Simalungun Bandar people recognizes many words that changed from its original form, and not a few vocabulary words that used to be used , but is now rarely used .

The use of possessive pronoun -ni and -si and then the final phoneme h, g, d, b, and diphthongs ui, ou, and ei is consistently present in Sin Bandar dialect. In addition, the dialect Sin Bandar also know its special characters, use these very familiar characters are used in communication, theoretically this script is placed at the base verb (infinitive) starting with the letters s and preceded by the prefix maN- and paN-. The use of prefix maN- such as in word manungkun become manyungkun, manisei--manyisei, manuan--manyuan, manerleng--manyerleng. For the words use prefix paN- seen in panungkun become panyungkun, panisei--panyisei, panuan--panyuan, panerleng--panyerleng. When referring to the Simalungun letter namely 19 letters (surat sappuluh siah), this script is found, but in practice the communication is almost never used, perhaps only Sin Bandar dialect is familiar with the use of this script.

Relating to the literary arts, dialect literature airport pretty much know either verbally or in writing, some of which were composed in the form of singing as Doding Mananggei (outside Bandar call with Taurtaur Simbandar) and Inggou Simbandar. There are also presented in the form of prose (turiturian) as folklore Bah Tobu, Tuan Simalango, Keramat Kubah, Panak Boru Na Martuah and many other folklore. In Bandar also found some relics in writing, including Pustaha Parmongmong Bandar Sakuda, this Pustaha inherited by Tuan Alip Damanik Bariba.

Influence and Background
In today era, the use of Sin Bandar dialect as the language of communication has experienced a shift slowly, most people prefer to use Indonesian and partly there are more fond of the Java language, this happens due to the rapid influence of the Javanese community whose population is greater than the rate Simalungun people. This condition describes the circumstances that Simalungun community in this area suffered severe crush wet already difficult to be released. Essentially if you look at the current situation of the user language specifically Simalungun language of Sin Bandar dialect only a handful in number when compared to those who have already switched (salih) into another language.

In addition, Sin Bandar dialect also heavily influenced of Toba language, the vocabulary comparison list above shows the existence of some similarity vocabulary. The existence of Toba communities in Bandar is also a significant amount and influence of their language is automatically also difficult to stop, but because of ideological differences in beliefs between the two communities on the interaction between them was not fully effective, even though they live together. Influx of Toba immigrants to Bandar since the weakening of the power of the Bandar king stem the flow of immigrants, thus triggering the explosion of population movements on a large scale that come from both North Tapanuli and South Tapanuli. It's been a long time, but the swift migration waves occurred in the leadership of Bandar King 6th namely Tuan Sawadim Damanik. The weak force is not due to Bandar king political tactics of the Dutch Colonial (divide et impera), which makes them (the Bandar king) as a puppet that can be arranged and deceived in order to achieve their colonial's goals.

The colonial strategy turns out to run smooth, and finally post-proclaimed Indonesian independence, the people flocked Simalungun oppose and undermine the sovereignty of the king and brought the issue of feudalism and anti-colonial as Social Revolution. Kingdom of Bandar who was then already rests with the Tuan Distabulan Damanik was not spared from the threat, with the help of a group of Toba he managed to escape. For their help, Tuan Distabulan then presented to them several parcels of land to be used as residential.

Related to the Toba existence in Simalungun, especially in Bandar, where they appeared to get a big challenge and criticism from indigenous tribes (Simalungun) they simply do not want to accept their presence, it proved not the least of them is used as a slave of the king and a group of ordinary people (paruma). To curb this, so many of them are affiliated with the Simalungun, hide their real identity and pose as the Simalungun. Among the Toba clans affiliated to the Simalungun in Bandar royal sovereign territory, namely Silalahi (Simandalahi), Sipayung, Tambunan (Tambun), Manurung, Sitorus, Sirait, Butar-Butar (Sidabutar), and Sinurat. These clans are generally pooled into sub clan Sinaga.

Various upheaval is the basic cause of the power outage Simalungun, so that implies a distrust ourselves to defend what is rightfully theirs. For example, a Simalungun will be Toba when dealing with Toba people, so it will be Karo, if they are often associated with Karo people, that's so. Unification process that often done by Simalungun people into other communities, will automatically eliminate their identity, perhaps he would feel reluctant to speak Simalungun, cultured style Simalungun, and further he will simply replace clan with clan of the community which he entered.

From above description is concluded that the Simalungun langauge know some dialects spread across the Simalungun even penetrates to the outside. Each of these dialects have differences with each other, even in the communication between cross-dialect they did not understand each other. In Bandar area that is geographically bordered by the Malay of Asahan and Batubara, communication in Simalungun language is still exist, however, the influence of the Malay language to some extent also influence its development, it is seen from the vocabulary word (lexical) and the sound system (phonetics) contained in it. Additionally Sin Bandar dialect also influenced by the Toba language and Java. So not a surprising sight when at some point in Bandar area encountered a group of people who are more active in using the Java or Toba language than Simalungun.

Socio-political upheaval and the culture that surrounds Simalungun tribes for centuries was instrumental in crushing and crippling Simalungun culture, it is also bad implications on the development of language. Their personalities are always considerate and often feel isolated, it is often played by Simalungun people and what they have practically neglected.
6:38 AM   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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By : Purba Masrul Dasuha , S.Pd

Purba in etymology means east, the word is cognate with the word "prototype" in Javanese. This word stems from the Sanskrit "Purva". The influence of Indian culture with a strong Hindu-Buddhist style through Sanskrit and Pallava letters at the beginning of the century AD Pallava very large role in shaping the culture of the archipelago. It is certainly not inevitable influence by tribal Simalungun, a result of the influence that lasts for ages so found quite a lot of cultural nuances Hindu - Buddhist in Simalungun.

Purba clan is one of the four major clans in Simalungun. This clan is divided into several branches, namely Tambak, Sidasuha, Sidadolog, Sidagambir, Sigumonrong, Silangit, Tua, Tanjung, Tondang, Tambun Saribu, Pakpak, Siboro, Girsang, Sihala, and Manorsa. Purba naming as the surname of a group of Simalungun people can be described that their ancestors came from the east of the island of Sumatra. Purba clan early ancestors came from Siam along with Saragih and Sinaga, they sailed to the island of East Sumatra track voyage through India. There are two locations suspected of being berths and their entrance into the East Sumatra, the coast of Serdang Bedagai and Asahan now. They then go into the interior and mingle with the local community, the first ancestor of the Purba identified himself as the person who came from the east, using the Sanskrit "Purva", he is a Buddhist. He was well received by the locals and given the freedom to mingle with their lives. Purba later married one of the daughters of the natives and given a plot of land to live on.

At first Purba did not recognize the sub or branch clan as it is known today. Alleged large branches which now is a result of the affiliation process that newcomers assimilate themselves with the beginning of the Purba clan groups. This means that before any Tambak, Silangit, Sigumondrong, Sidasuha, Sidadolog, Sidagambir, Tua, Tanjung, Tondang, Tambun Saribu, Girsang, Pakpak, Siboro, Sihala, and Manorsa; Purba community is already exist. So the appearance of the branch is not in line with the birth parent clan, because long before the branch, parent clan has existed on earth Habonaron Do Bona. The establishment of branches of the Purba clan had happened after the 11th century AD, during the existence of previously unknown sub or branch of the clan. As my explanation above that the formation of these branches occurred after the migration of the tribe about which of Pakpak and Minangkabau. This means that the branches of the Purba clan now that there is not a direct descendant of the Purba clan but outsiders who assimilate themselves or affiliated to the clan of the Purba order to be accepted to be part of  indigenous people namely East Batak, which at that time had not known the term Simalungun. When traced at that time there has been a second wave of migration of nations and tribes that enter into Simalungun land, which first is community that forming Purba clans that came from Siam before the year 500 AD, the second about the migration of tribes that later formed clan branches of Purba. In about 1377 AD has been a wave of exodus of Minangkabau people to the coastal areas of East Sumatra after Singapore was destroyed by Majapahit, followed by a second wave that occurred in 1611 AD, at the time of their transfer to Malaysia.

When traced back at least four major groups of a different branch of the descendants of the Purba clans, namely:
1. Silangit,
2. Tambak, Sigumondrong, Sidasuha, Sidadolog, and Sidagambir,
3. Tanjung, Tua, Tondang, and Tambun Saribu,
4. Siboro, Girsang, Pakpak, and Sihala.
According to the oral stories in Simalungun, Purba Silangit ancestors originally dwelt around Dolog Tinggi Raja. Due to severe flooding, they are so ravaged areas resulting offspring spread to a number of areas such as Gunung Mariah, Sinombah, Dolog Silou, Silou Kahean, and Raya. From Gunung Mariah descendants later migrated to the land of plenty that Karo and turn into Tarigan Silangit. There is an argument that Purba Sigulang Batu was born of a descendant of the Purba Silangit who moved to Humbang. And there Silangit village in Toba Samosir also allegedly had something to do with the Purba Silangit. As for Purba Tambak ancestors came from Pagaruyung, he wandered through the area Natal continues to Singkil to the Dairi, he then went on to Simalungun. He founded the first village named Tambak Bawang, where in the place he made ​​a pond in a marsh (Simalungun: bawang/rawang). He is an accomplished hunter and angler is reliable , this is what inspired the birth of the Purba Tambak symbol is "ultop" and "bubu". Surrounding community was coming to enliven the place, they then lifted so Pangulu Tambak Bawang. His son named Tuan Jigou then continued his father's office as Pangulu. Tuan Jigou gave birth to a son named Tuan Sindar Lela. His son met with Puteri Hjau in Bah Potani river near a Tualang tree in Serbajadi now. Through the help of Puteri Hijau, Tuan Sindar Lela managed to get a place in the Silou kingdom, he was appointed King Goraha Silou (Warlords Silou Empire). Tuan Sindar Lela has two sons, the eldest named Tuan Toriti Purba Tambak Tualang and the youngest named Tuan Timbangan Raja Purba Tambak Bawang. Eldest child moved to Silou Buntu and establish Partuanon there, while the youngest moved to Silou Dunia and also became the ruler in place. Tuan Timbangan Raja is the king who married the daughter of princess Bunga Ncolei from Kesain Jambur Lige Barus Jahe and spawned two eldest sons that became the title of Raja Rubun ancestral kings of Dolog Silou of Purba Tambak Lombang group and the youngest is believed to be the ancestral origin of the title of the Purba Sidasuha namely Tuan Suha Bolag. His sons after growing up in disputes, the youngest relented and venturing up to about Tiga Runggu now, where he founded the village of Suha Bolag. Which is a milestone in inception Panei kingdom. In the next generation, one of the descendants of the Purba Sidasuha who dwells in a mountain calling itself the Purba Sidadolog, this clan groups inhabiting the area Sinaman and became one of his descendants was appointed as magnifying in the Panei kingdom. From Purba Sidadolog this arises again Purba Sidagambir splitting due to disputes, Sidagambir daily work as gambir planters, he moved to another place and set up village Rajaihuta, then his descendants established a new village called Dolog Huluan.

List of Dolog Silou Kings:
1. Raja Rubun
2. Tuan Bedar Maralam
3. Tuan Rajomin
4. Tuan Moraijou
5. Tuan Taring
6. Tuan Lurni
7. Tuan Tanjarmahei
8. Tuan Ragaim
9. Tuan Bandar Alam

List of Panei Kings:
1. Tuan Suha Bolag
2. Tuan Marsitajuri
3. Raja Panei III
4. Raja Panei IV
5. Raja Panei V
6. Raja Panei VI
7. Raja Panei VII
8. Raja Panei VIII
9. Tuan Sarmalam
10. Tuan Sarhalapa
11. Tuan Jintama
12. Tuan Jontama
13. Tuan Jadiammat
14. Tuan Bosar Sumalam
15. Tuan Marga Bulan (Raja Muda)

Figure 1: King of Dolog Silou, Tuan Tanjarmahei Purba Tambak

Figure 2: King of Dolog Silou, Tuan Ragaim Purba Tambak with his advisers

Figure 3: King of Dolog Silou, Tuan Ragaim Purba Tambak

Figure 4: Lord of Silou Kahean, Tuan Gaib Purba Tambak

Purba Sigumondrong derived from Lokkung, descendants then spread to Cingkes, Marubun, Togur, and Raya in Simalungun. This clan is a descendant of the Purba born of Boru Simarmata. The offspring were moved to the Karo turned into Tarigan Gerneng. The Purba Tondang ancestors came from the village of Huta Tanoh in district Purba, this genus is the brother of the Purba Tambun Saribu. Most of his descendants believe their ancestors came from Purba Parhorbo in Humbang. The offspring were moved to the Karo turned into Taridan Tendang. His brother, Purba Tambun Saribu derived from Harangan Silombu and Binangara in district Purba, offspring who moved to the Karo turn into Tarigan Tambun. Other branch of Purba clan namely Purba Tua, is the founder of Purba Tua village located in district Silimakuta, some believe this clan brothers of Purba Tanjung who inhabit in Sipinggan, Haranggaol intersection. The offspring were moved to the Karo turned into Tarigan Tua and many settled in Juhar, this clan who accept the presence of a descendant of the Cibero clan in Juhar coming from Tungtung Batu which then turned into Tarigan Sibero. The origin of Purba Tanjung was in Sipinggan near the Haranggaol intersection, mostly descendants believe their clans born of Purba Pakpak. Being another opinion says they are ancestors of the Purba Tambak, where one of his descendants went silent on a promontory on the edge of Lake Toba.

The Girsang clan, from the results of the investigation the author some time ago, where the author interviewed one indigenous elder of the Cibero clan of Pakpak tribe. He explained that Girsang is a descendant of the Cibero clan. This clan ancestors lived on a hill in the village Lehu, settlement was granted by King Mandida Manik for marrying his daughter. One of the descendants have the skills mix of drugs that is also known as Datu Parulas and menyumpit bird so the title is also the Pangultop. The name of the first ancestor of the Girsang that comes directly from Pakpak thinks are two brothers that Girsang Girsang and Sondar Girsang, they are the eleventh descendants of King Ghaib, the first ancestor of the Cibero clan. Both are doing the hunt for a bird, because the bird is chasing one of the two up to Simalungun and entered the village Naga Mariah communal land of Sinaga clan. At that time Tuan Naga Mariah middle of enemy threats that come from the Siantar kingdom, thanks to the assistance of Girsang enemy from Siantar can be overcome. For his services, Tuan Naga Mariah then married him to his daughter and handed power to him. As a native of that place namely clan Sinaga, after the power switch to the hands of the Girsang, they eventually many displaced into the Batu Karang and into Peranginangin clan up. In that place, Girsang establish Naga Saribu village then set as the capital of the Silima Huta kingdom by combining five villages namely Rakutbesi, Dolog Panribuan, Saribu Jandi, Mardingding, and Nagamariah. This clan is divided into Girsang Jabu Bolon, Girsang Na Godang, Girsang Parhara, Girsang Rumah Parik, and Girsang Rumah Bolon. Most of his descendants moved to the Karo into Tarigan Gersang, Sinaman in district Tiga Panah is one of village that established by Girsang descent who moved to the Karoland. As there is also a descendant of the Purba Silangit who joined this clan called Girsang Silangit.

The same event experienced by one of the descendants of the Cibero clan who holds Pangultopultop, because of hunting a bird in Tungtung Batu district Silima Punggapungga bring himself up to Simalungun and entered the territory of Tuan Simalobong Purba Sidasuha one of Partuanon of Panei kingdom. Because of his expertise he managed to win the hearts of the Simalobong people during a bad season so that people even volunteered to call him king. This has led to anger and jealousy Tuan Simalobong, because he felt he was the only who was entitled to the title. Consequently Pangultopultop dealing with the castle and come face to face with Tuan Simalobong, these events led to hold promise (marbija) between them which eventually was won by Pangultopultop. Leadership then fell into his hands, in the former territory of Tuan Simalobong, he then founded the Purba kingdom and identifies himself as Purba Pakpak. The indigenous of Cibero clan emphatically said that Pangultopultop the founder of the Purba kingdom the first ancestor of Purba Pakpak also including of Cibero clan. According to him the surname of Pangultopultop is Gorga, he has a brother who named Buah or Suksuk Langit, this brother who moved to Juhar and become Tarigan Sibero. This is their 20th generation of Ghaib King, early generation of Cibero clan. When referring to his opinion, it means Girsang the first to migrate to Simalungun than the Pangultopultop, there is a difference nine generations between Girsang with Pangultopultop. Among the descendants of the Purba Pakpak there is divide and calling his clan with Purba Sihala inhabit of Purba Hinalang, the descendant who moved to the Karo into Tarigan Purba or Tarigan Cikala which are found in the area Tanjung Purba and Cingkes, district Dolog Silou.

List of Purba Kings:
1. Tuan Pangultopultop (1624-1648)
2. Tuan Rajiman (1648-1669)
3. Tuan Nanggaraja (1670-1692)
4. Tuan Batiran (1692-1717)
5. Tuan Bakkaraja (1718-1738)
6. Tuan Baringin (1738-1769)
7. Tuan Bona Batu (1769-1780)
8. Tuan Rajaulan (1781-1769)
9. Tuan Atian (1800-1825)
10. Tuan Horma Bulan (1826-1856)
11. Tuan Raondop ( 1856-1886 )
12. Tuan Rahalim ( 1886-1921 )
13. Tuan Karel Cape (1921-1931)
14. Tuan Mogang (1933-1947)

Figure 5: The Twelfth King of Purba Kingdom, Tuan Rahalim Purba Pakpak

Figure 6: Rumah Bolon of Purba Kingdom

Figure 7: Balei Bolon of Purba Kingdom

Regarding to the community of Purba clan that are in Humbang, customary law is different from Purba Simalungun and also Purba Karo. However, they often claim they are descendants of the Purba Simalungun, but it is very contradictory when referring to the number of population and the second generation of the clan. Purba Simalungun community population far more than they are, as well as the presence of the Purba Simalungun had already existed so that the amount of generation far more than the Purba Humbang. This was confirmed from the information obtained by the authors of the Chairman of the custom Punguan Manurung clan live in Siantar City who told to the writer that Tuan Sorba Dijae or Datu Pejel ever take a wife from the Boru Purba Simalungun when he immigrated from Pangururan to Sibisa. While still in Pangururan he already has a wife named Siboru Anting Sabungan who gave birth to two children, Raja Mardopang and Raja Mangatur. From Raja Mardopang birth Sirait, Sitorus, and Butarbutar clan. Being from Raja Mangatur born Manurung clan. As known Tuan Sorba Dijae is the son of Tuan Sorimangaraja results his marriage with Siboru Biding Laut more popular called Nai Rasaon. Tuan Sorba Dijulu or Tuan Nabolon and Tuan Sorba Dibanua is a half-brother another mother Tuan Sorba Dijae. They are the fourth generation of Si Raja Batak. While Purba born of Simamora clan is the fourth generation of Tuan Sorba Dibanua and the seventh generation of Si Raja Batak. Tuan Sorba Dibanua had eight children, one of which is named Raja Sumba, from his birth Sihombing and Simamora and then from Simamora birth Purba clan currently prevalent in the Humbang region.

From this description it can be seen that long before the birth Purba clan in Humbang already exist Purba Simalungun community, it is evidenced by the presence of one of the wives of Tuan Sorba Dijae derived from the Purba Simalungun group. This story proves that in the Simalungun land since long has evolved a great civilization which is even older than the first man of Toba that named Si Raja Batak.
6:36 AM   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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By: Purba Masrul Dasuha, S.Pd

Nagur is a glorious ancient kingdom as an early forerunner to the birth of civilization east Batak tribe later called Simelungun. Nagur has started its civilization since the sixth century BC, as written in the annals Sui Dynasty (570-620 BC), who recounts that two sides trade transactions, between Nagur and Sui Dynasty in Bah Bolon river. It is the oldest source notes of this kingdom history. Nagur kingdom dominated of East Sumatra, begin from coastal of west Aceh stretching to the east which border with Malacca Strait, in the northern region border of Jayu and Lake Toba in the south. Another source about Nagur also obtained testimony from foreign explorers ever visit to the Nagur, such as information from Persian explorer, Buzuruq bin Syahriar on IX century noted the existence of a kingdom named Nakus; Additional information also comes from Marco Polo (1271-1295), a nomads from Venice (Italy) in 1292 BC which had visited a number of islands in the coast of Sumatra, on of them is Dagroian which is a Nagur, that is located in Pidie (Aceh) now. Marco Polo tells Dagroian people habit were cannibals that dissolves with genocide practice. The society really primitive and pagan.

Another note is also derived from Chinese explorers, namely the report of Admiral Zheng He through his interpreter, Ma Huan which contained in his book - Ying-yei Sheng-lan in 1416 and Fei Xin in his book Xing-cha Sheng-lan in 1436 they are moslem, they said that there was a kingdom named Nakuerh, an empire so vast inland region and contiguous with the Samudera Pasai and Aru kingdom. In the report, they describe that the Nakuerh king his face tattooed, the area is not so wide and only inhabited by about a thousand families. The location of this kingdom are on the west coast not far from Lamuri (Aceh). Furthermore, the Portuguese historian Ferdinand Mendez Pinto in 1539 said there is a port called Surotilau, which are off the coast of the Aru kingdom. Pinto also tells the story of a fierce battle between Aceh in the leadership of Raja Ali or Sultan Alauddin Al - Qahhar Riayat Shah (1537-1569) with King Batak (named Tuan Anggi Sri Timorraja).

This battle lasted for 2 innings, the first war with a toughness rely poisonous arrows , Nagur troops successfully repulsed and pursued it until the mountain which is named Cagerrendan (Cagar Ardan ), for 23 days Batak troops surrounded the rest of the Aceh troops who are still survive. Short story both parties agreed on a peace treaty. But a half months later, Aceh violate the agreement and intend to retaliate. The existence of reinforcements from 300 Turkish people make the Acehnese  getting excited against Raja Batak. Aceh party anticipate their strategy how to attack is not widespread and known to the King Batak. So they invented a pretext that the Aceh king will visit Pasai, but it turns out not to Pasai but attacked two villages of Batak named Jacur and Lingua. In the attack, Aceh had killed 3 sons of Raja Batak and 700 commander who is at once the best soldiers are glorified in the Batak kingdom (Nagur). The other source about Nagur also be obtained from the record of Ibn Battuta (1304-1369), a wanderer from Morocco who in 1345 visited Pasai and Nagur, and tell that Nagur been attacked by King Tamil Rajendra Choladewa from South India in 1023-1024, which resulted in Nagur lose many areas of the colony.

Other foreign wanderers like Tome Pires (1513-1515) also said that there was a Batak kingdom possible it is Nagur. In the pustaha Parpadanan Na Bolag, Nagur described as a rich and prosperous kingdom, with Pamatang (mother country) has a strong fortress, fenced iron, gate called Layarlayar made ​​of Tumbaga holing and  lock made ​​of silver. Pustaha Parmongmong Bandar Syahkuda stated  that the King's Nagur Palace is in Tolbak Pargambirian. The glory of the kingdom only lasted until the end of the thirteenth century , when the area was being targeted by the authorities around him whom Samudera Pasai, the expansion of political influence of Singosari kingdom  through Pamalayu expedition were also extends to this kingdom. In the later period of existence Nagur increasingly squeezed and threatened due to various wars for the sake of the war occurred increasingly weakened integrity of this kingdom.
6:34 AM   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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