I am Masrul Purba Dasuha, S.Pd an observer of Batak culture derived from Pamatang Bandar Simalungun regency of North Sumatra. Batak is my identity, Simalungun is my pride predicate. Never refuse to tribes because it is an identity that could never you avoid as long as your soul is conceived body. Be a useful man for himself, family, tribe, nation, and country.

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Friday, March 28, 2014

1. Ambarita
2. Aritonang
3. Aruan
4. Banjarnahor
5. Bakkara
6. Butarbutar
7. Debataraja
8. Dolok Saribu
9. Dongoran
10. Gultom
11. Gurning
12. Harianja
13. Hutabarat
14. Hutagaol
15. Hutahaean
16. Hutajulu
17. Hutasoit
18. Hutapea
19. Hutauruk
20. Hutagalung
21. Limbong
22. Lubis
23. Lumban Batu
24. Lumban Gaol
25. Lumban Nahor
26. Lumban Pea
27. Lumban Raja
28. Lumban Siantar
29. Lumban Tobing
30. Lumban Toruan
31. Lumban Tungkup
32. Malau
33. Manalu
34. Manik
35. Manullang
36. Manurung
37. Marbun
38. Marpaung
39. Munthe
40. Manihuruk
41. Nababan
42. Nadapdap
43. Nadeak
44. Naibaho
45. Naiborhu
46. Nainggolan
47. Naipospos
48. Napitupulu
49. Napitu
50. Pakpahan
51. Pandiangan
52. Pangaribuan
53. Panggabean
54. Panjaitan
55. Parapat
56. Pardede
57. Pardosi
58. Pasaribu
59. Purba
60. Rajagukguk
61. Ruma Horbo
62. Ruma Pea
63. Ruma Singap
64. Ruma Sondi
65. Sagala
66. Saing
67. Samosir
68. Saragi
69. Sarumpaet
70. Siadari
71. Siagian
72. Siahaan
73. Siallagan
74. Sianipar
75. Sianturi
76. Sibagariang
77. Sibangebange
78. Sibarani
79. Siboro
80. Siburian
81. Sibuea
82. Sidabalok
83. Sidabutar
84. Sidabungke
85. Sidauruk
86. Sigalingging
87. Sihaloho
88. Sihite
89. Sihombing
90. Sihotang
91. Sijabat
92. Silaban
93. Silaen
94. Silalahi
95. Silitonga
96. Simalango
97. Simamora
98. Simangunsong
99. Simanjorang
100. Simanjuntak
101. Simanungkalit
102. Simaremare
103. Simarmata
104. Simatupang
105. Simbolon
106. Simorangkir
107. Sinabariba
108. Sinaga
109. Sinambela
110. Sinurat
111. Sipahutar
112. Sipayung
113. Sirait
114. Siregar
115. Siringoringo
116. Sitanggang
117. Sitindaon
118. Sitinjak
119. Sitohang
120. Sitompul
121. Sitorus
122. Situmeang
123. Situmorang
124. Situngkir
125. Sormin
126. Silitonga
127. Tamba
128. Tambunan
129. Tampubolon
130. Tarihoran
131. Togatorop
132. Turnip

1. Lubis
2. Nasution
3. Pulungan
4. Batubara
5. Matondang
6. Daulae
7. Rangkuti
8. Parinduri
9. Lintang

1. Harahap
2. Hasibuan
3. Siregar
4. Pohan
5. Rambe
6. Dalimunthe
7. Dasopang
8. Baumi
9. Ritonga
10. Pane
11. Tanjung
12. Mardia
13. Hutasuhut
14. Babiat
15. Dabuar
5:51 AM   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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